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Ascensus Direct

Ascensus Direct - Warnung BaFin Germany - 2011-Aug-12

„Ascensus Direct" has no authorisation pursuant to section 32 of the German Banking Act (Gesetz über das Kreditwesen - KWG)
The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht - BaFin) points out that the enter-prise „Ascensus Direct ", which states to be domiciled in Munich, Frankfurt am Main and London and which appears on the internet at and, is not supervised by BaFin and has not been granted authorisation pursuant to section 32 of the German Banking Act (Gesetz über das Kreditwesen – KWG) to provide financial services.

On its website the enterprise „Ascensus Direct " states in English that it is subject to supervision by BaFin. Persons that introduce themselves as employees of the enterprise conduct unsolicited calls and try to induce the called person to buy certain shares.

The enterprise „Ascensus Direct " is not a banking or a financial institution that has been granted authorisation by BaFin or is under supervision by the same.

The enterprise must not be confused with Ascensus GmbH, Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 19 in 85521 Ottobrunn, which had been granted authorisation by BaFin and was under supervision by the same.