Öffentliche Betrugswarnung – Verbraucherwarnung!
Altair Entertainment NV
Altair Entertainment NV -
Warnung Consob Italy - 2016-Dec-27
The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (CONSOB) reports that:
the company *Advanced Binary Technologies Ltd is not* authorised to provide
investment services and business in Italy in any way, including through the
website www.ayrex.com;
- the company *Cumberland Capital Ltd is not* authorised to provide investment
services and business in Italy in any way, including through the website
- the companies *Altair Entertainment Nv*, *Payific Ltd* and *Capital Force Ltd*
*are not* authorised to provide investment services and business in Italy in any
way, including through the website www.option888.com;
- the companies *Brooks Partners*, *Pel Ltd* and *S&Y Market Kft* *are not*
authorised to provide investment services and business in Italy in any way,
including through the website www.brooks-partners.com;
- the companies *Broker Yard, Techofin Ltd* and *OCapital Lp* *are not*
authorised to provide investment services and business in Italy in any way,
including through the website www.brokeryard.com.
/(in "Consob Informa" no. 49/2016 - 27 December 2016)/
Data: 27/12/2016