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Öffentliche Betrugswarnung – Verbraucherwarnung!

Alpha Corporate Consultants LTD

Alpha Corporate Consultants LTD - Warnung FCA UK - 2012-Sep-13


We (the Financial Services Authority – FSA) have published this statement today in order to
warn investors against dealing with unauthorised firms.

This statement is to advise members of the public that an organisation identifying itself to UK citizens as:

Alpha Corporate Consultants LTD
Address: 90 East Drive
Bleecker Street
New York
NY 10004
Tel: +1 914 517 2751
Fax: +1 914 462 3270

is not authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) to carry on a
regulated activity in the UK. Regulated activities include, amongst other things, advising on investments and dealing and arranging deals in investments ('investments' include stocks and shares). We believe that the organisation is targeting UK customers.

What does this mean for you?
If you are an investor, you should be aware that the Financial Ombudsman Service and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme are not available if you deal with an unauthorised company or individual.
How can you check whether a firm is authorised?
To find out whether a company or individual is authorised, go to the FSA Register Check Service at

Date: 13 September 2012

Note: For an up­to­date list of unauthorised firms issued, please visit:­firms
For further information on unauthorised firms targeting UK investors see the press release
issued on 17 April 2012 at:
For more details about the tactics that are commonly adopted by unauthorised firms targeting UK investors see the "Stay Safe from Scams" page available at:
The Shares Investments Scam leaflet is available at: