Öffentliche Betrugswarnung – Verbraucherwarnung!
AJ Browder Capital
AJ Browder Capital -
Warnung FSMA Belgium - 2013-Oct-15
IP International Service, Trading Corporation, Banq of Broker, Ikkotrader, trader369 and AJ Browder Capital
The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of IP International Service, Trading Corporation, Banq of Broker, Ikkotrader, trader369 and AJ Browder Capital, firms that offer investment services and sometimes operate together.
IP International Service uses the names Banq of Broker, Ikkotrader, trader369 and AJ Browder Capital.
IP International Service and Trading Corporation are not authorized investment firms in Belgium. They are therefore not allowed to provide investment services in or from Belgium.
The FSMA strongly advises against responding to any offer of services made by IP International Service and Trading Corporation and against transferring money to any account number these firms might mention.
IP International Service uses the following websites: www.banqofbroker.com, www.ikkotrader.com and www.ajbrowdercapital.com.