Agro Equities Berhad (870583-P) -
Warnung SC Malaysia - 2019-Jun-25
The SC’s Investor Alert List provides information on persons/entities that do not comply with our securities law. This list includes persons/entities that:-
Carry on capital market regulated activities without a license or registration. SC regulates the following capital market activities:-
Dealing in securities;
Dealing in derivatives;
Fund management;
Advising on corporate finance;
Investment advice;
Financial planning; and
Dealing in private retirement schemes
Provide services as a market operator; or
Issue or offer securities without proper approval, authorization or recognition.
Please take note that this list is not exhaustive and will be updated periodically. This list serves as a guide to investors prior to making any investment decisions. If you require any clarification or come across any suspicious capital market activities that you wish to highlight to the SC, you may contact us at 603-6204-8999 or email us at [email protected].