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Investeringswaarschuwing – Beleggerswaarschuwing!

Apollos Capital

Apollos Capital - Waarschuwing FMA Austria - 2019-Nov-15

Apollos Capital
Release Date: 15. November 2019 | Categories: Investor Warning
Pursuant to Article 4 para. 7 first sentence of the Bankwesengesetz (BWG; Banking Act), the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) may disclose to the general public by publication on the Internet, in the official gazette "Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung ", or in any other newspaper with nationwide circulation, that a particular natural or legal person (person) is not entitled to carry out certain banking transactions.

By publication in the official gazette "Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung " on 15.11.2019, the FMA hereby informs that

Apollos Capital

is not entitled to carry out banking transactions in Austria that require a licence. The provider is therefore not permitted to trade in financial futures contracts (futures) on its own account or on the account of others, including equivalent instruments settled in cash as well as call and put options on the instruments listed in Article 1 para. 1 no. 7 points a and d to f of the Banking Act (BWG; Bankwesengesetz), including equivalent instruments settled in cash (futures and options business) pursuant to Article 1 para. 1 no. 7 point c BWG.

2020-03-02, Public warning by CNMV Spain Spain against Apollos Capital:


Pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 17 of the Securities Markets Law (recast text approved by
Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October), the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (National
Securities Market Commission) warns that:
Apollos Capital

is not authorised to provide the investment services detailed in Article 140 of the Spanish Securities
Markets Act, which include investment advice, nor to provide the auxiliary services detailed in Article
141(a), (b), (d), (f) and (g) of said Act in relation to the financial instruments detailed in Article 2 of said
Act, including, for those purposes, foreign currency transactions.

For any enquiries, please contact the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores enquiry line on
900 535 015 or visit CNMV’s website (

2 March 2020