Anti Cyber Crime & Financial -
Waarschuwing SEC USA - 2018-Apr-10
Public Alert: Unregistered Soliciting Entities (PAUSE)
List of Fictitious Governmental Agencies and International Organizations Associated with Soliciting Entities
The SEC receives complaints from investors and others, including foreign securities regulators, about securities solicitations made by entities claiming to offer investments endorsed, approved, or otherwise supported by governmental agencies, including the SEC, or international organizations. The SEC does not "approve" or "endorse" any particular securities, issuers, products, services, professional credentials, firms, or individuals, and does not allow private entities to use its government seal. The SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy has issued several Investor Alerts warning investors of bogus regulators and SEC impersonators.
In many cases, SEC investigation reveals that the so-called governmental agencies or international organizations claimed to have lent support to these solicitations do not exist. In an effort to warn the public about these entities, the SEC is posting the list below.