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AlphaCapital - Waarschuwing Consob Italy - 2018-Apr-30

Consob warning on
Alpha Capital - Get Marketing Ltd - Iba Group Ltd - Mrt Securities Limited - Yukon Global Ltd -

The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange, in accordance with article 7-octies, letter b) of the Consolidated Law on Finance (TUF), has ordered the following companies to cease infringement of article 18 of the TUF consisting of the offer and performance of investment services and activities to the Italian public, put in place by:

Alpha Capital, through the website (resolution n. 20407 of April 24, 2018);

Get Marketing Ltd, through the website (resolution n. 20408 of April 24, 2018);

Iba Group Ltd, through the website (resolution n. 20413 of April 24, 2018);

Mrt Securities Limited through the website (resolution n. 20414 of April 24, 2018);

Yukon Global Ltd through the website (resolution n. 20415 of April 24, 2018).
* * *

The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange, in accordance with article 99, paragraph 1, letter d) of the TUF, has also prohibited the offer to the Italian public concerning "Mival Connect" bonds, carried out without the required authorisations, including through the website (resolution n. 20406 of April 24, 2018). The activity was previously suspended with resolution n. 20382 of April 13, 2018 (see "Consob Informa" n. 16/2018).

(in "Consob Informa" no. 17/2018 - 30 April 2018)

2018-07-26, Public warning by Finansinspektioon Estonia against AllProTech OÜ:

Teade AllProTech OÜ (endise ärinimega Nostro Technology OÜ) tegevuse kohta

Finantsinspektsioon teavitab kliente ja investoreid, et äriühing AllProTech OÜ (endise ärinimega Nostro
Technology OÜ; registrikood 14183116) ei oma investeerimisteenuste osutamiseks Eestis tegevusluba ja seega
puudub AllProTech OÜ-l õigus osutada Eestis investeerimisteenuseid. Nimetatud ettevõte pakub võimalust
kaubelda veebilehe kaudu erinevate tuletisväärtpaberitega.

Nostro Technology OÜ osas on Finantsinspektsioon avalikustanud hoiatusteate ka 31.07.2017, mis on
kättesaadav siit, ning AllProTech OÜ osas 24.04.2018, mis on kättesaadav siit.

Nimekiri ettevõtetest, kellel on Finantsinspektsiooni poolt antud tegevusluba või kes võivad Eestis piiriüleselt
teenuseid osutada, on leitav Finantsinspektsiooni kodulehelt

Information on AllProTech OÜ (previous business name Nostro Technology OÜ)

Finantsinspektsioon (the Estonian Financial Supervisory Authority) would like to inform clients and investors that
AllProTech OÜ (previous business name Nostro Technology OÜ; registry code 14183116) does not hold an
activity licence for the provision of investment services in Estonia and therefore AllProTech OÜ is not authorised
to provide investment services in Estonia. The company offers the possibility to trade different derivatives
through web page

Finantsinspektsioon has published a warning concerning Nostro Technology OÜ also on 31.07.2017, which is
available from here, and a warning concerning AllProTech OÜ on 24.04.2018, which is available from here.

The list of companies having Finantsinspektsioon´s licenses or who are allowed to provide cross-border services
in Estonia can be found on Finantsinspektsioon’s web page

2020-03-016, Public warning by Consob Italy against Novatrades Ltd ( - Game Capital ADS Limited ( - "WORLDFXM.COM" ( - "GoldFxTrading" (GFT) ( - "Alphacapital" ( - Swiss Capital Ltd (

Novatrades Ltd ( - Game Capital ADS Limited ( - "WORLDFXM.COM" ( - "GoldFxTrading" (GFT) ( - "Alphacapital" ( - Swiss Capital Ltd (

Consob has ordered the black-out of 6 new websites that offer financial services illegally.

The commission availed itself of the powers resulting from the 'Decreto Crescita' ('Growth Decree'; Law no. 58 of 28 June 2019, article 36, paragraph 2-terdecies), on the basis of which Consob can order internet access providers to block access from Italy to websites offering financial services without the proper authorisation.

The companies and websites are listed below:

Novatrades Ltd (website;
Game Capital ADS Limited (website;
"GoldFxTrading" (GFT)(website;
Swiss Capital Ltd (website
The number of sites blacked out since July last, when Consob got the power to order blackouts, has thus risen to 174.

The measures with which the aforementioned companies were ordered to terminate the abusive activity (adopted prior to the date the aforementioned "growth decree" came into force) can be viewed on the website

The black-out of these websites by internet service providers operating on the Italian market is ongoing. For technical reasons, it can take several days for the black-out to come into effect.

Consob draws investors' attention to the importance of adopting the greatest diligence in order to make informed investment choices, adopting common sense behaviours, essential to safeguard their savings: these include, first and foremost, checking in advance that the operator with whom they are investing is authorised. To this end, Consob would remind you that there is a section on the homepage of its website entitled "Be aware of fraud!", with useful information to warn investors against abusive operators.

(Published in "Consob Informa" no. 10/2020 - 16 March 2020)