Algobit Ltd. (WorldWide CapitalFX) -
Waarschuwing BCSC Canada - 2019-Feb-08
WorldWide CapitalFXDate added:February 08, 2019Address/Contact: CapitalFX (CapitalFX) claims to be an online binary options, cryptocurrencies, Forex and Contracts for Difference trading platform provider.We recently became aware of CapitalFX and that it had solicited a British Columbia (BC) resident to trade with the company.A binary option is a type of option whose payout depends on whether the underlying asset (such as a stock, a commodity, a currency pairing, etc.) increases or decreases in value. Options are considered to be securities under BC’s securities legislation.Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are a subset of digital currencies. Cryptocurrencies are not fiat currencies. In certain circumstances, cryptocurrencies may be considered to be securities under the securities legislation in BC, and trading in or advising on them may require registration in BC.CapitalFX is not registered to trade in, or advise on, securities or exchange contracts in BC.We urge BC residents to exercise caution when dealing with firms that are not registered to trade or advise in BC.For information on how to become better informed about binary options, please visit information on how to become better informed about cryptocurrencies and ICOs, please visit information on how to become better informed about investment products and services, please visit InvestRight, at