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Investeringswaarschuwing – Beleggerswaarschuwing!

Alfalimited OÜ (BoxInvesting)

Alfalimited OÜ (BoxInvesting) - Waarschuwing OSC Canada - 2019-Jun-25

Software and Media Ltd. also operating as BoxInvesting and doing business as

Date posted:June 25, 2019

Address:Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands MH96969

Additional information:Software and Media Ltd. also operating as BoxInvesting and doing business as are not registered in Ontario to engage in the business of trading in securities.

2019-10-21, Public warning by Consob Italy against BoxInvesting:

Consob warning on
Red Bird Ltd ( - Mfi broker Ltd ( - Software and Media Ltd ( - Salvalax Ltd ( - FxRoyal24 (

Consob has ordered the black-out of 5 websites that offer financial services illegally.

The commission availed itself of the powers resulting from the 'Decreto Crescita' ('Growth Decree'; Law no. 58 of 28 June 2019, article 36, paragraph 2-terdecies), on the basis of which Consob can order internet access providers to block access from Italy to websites offering financial services without the proper authorisation.

The companies and websites are listed below:

Red Bird Ltd (;
Mfi broker Ltd (;
Software and Media Ltd (;
Salvalax Ltd (;
"FxRoyal24" (
The measures with which the aforementioned companies were ordered to terminate the abusive activity can be viewed on the website

The black-out of these websites by internet access providers operating on the Italian market is ongoing. For technical reasons, it can take several days for the black-out to come into effect.

(Published in "Consob Informa" no. 36/2019 - 21 October 2019)2019-12-13, Public warning by BCSC Canada against BoxInvesting:Sotfware and Media Ltd. dba BoxInvesting (BoxInvesting)Date added:December 13, 2019Address/Contact:http://www.boxinvesting.comBackground:BoxInvesting claims to have offices around the world, including Canada, and offers an online trading platform.We recently became aware that BoxInvesting accepted funds from a British Columbia (BC) resident.BoxInvesting is not registered to trade in, or advise on, securities or exchange contracts in BC.We urge BC residents to exercise caution when dealing with firms that are not registered to trade or advise in BC.For information on how to become better informed about investment products and services, please visit InvestRight at, Public warning by AMF France against Boxinvesting:Protéger son épargneListes noires et mises en gardeMises en garde et listes noires des sociétés et sites non autorisés : Forex, options binaires, biens divers, produits dérivés sur crypto-actifs, usurpation...Publié le 3 février 2020Le tableau ci-dessous répertorie les acteurs ayant fait l’objet d’une mise en garde ou figurant sur les listes noires publiées par l’AMF.Vous retrouvez l’intégralité des mises en garde et des listes noires, par catégorie (Forex, options binaires, biens divers et dérivés sur crypto-actifs) en bas de page.Attention, ce tableau et ces listes sont mis à jour régulièrement mais ne peuvent être exhaustifs, de nouveaux acteurs non autorisés apparaissant régulièrement.

2020-08-12, Public warning by BaFin Germany against Software and Media LTD /

Software and Media LTD / BaFin untersagt das unerlaubt betriebene Einlagengeschäft und ordnet die Abwicklung an
Die BaFin hat mit Bescheid vom 9. April 2020 der Gesellschaft Software and Media LTD, Majuro, Marshallinseln, das Einlagengeschäft untersagt und dessen unverzügliche Abwicklung angeordnet.

Die Gesellschaft ist Betreiberin der Handelsplattform für Aktien und Kryptowährungen. In diesem Zusammenhang nimmt das Unternehmen fremde Gelder als Einlagen oder andere unbedingt rückzahlbare Gelder des Publikums an.

Damit betreibt die Gesellschaft Software and Media LTD das Einlagengeschäft ohne die erforderliche Erlaubnis der BaFin.

Dieser Bescheid ist von Gesetzes wegen sofort vollziehbar und zwischenzeitlich bestandskräftig.