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Investeringswaarschuwing – Beleggerswaarschuwing!

AFI – Alternative Financial Investments

AFI – Alternative Financial Investments - Waarschuwing FCA UK - 2014-Feb-03

AFI - Alternative Financial Investments Published: 31/01/2014 Last Modified : 14/02/2014 We believe this firm has been providing financial services or products in the UK without our authorisation. Find out why to be especially wary of dealing with this unauthorised firm and how to protect yourself from scammers. Almost all firms and individuals offering, promoting or selling financial services or products in the UK have to be authorised by us. However, some firms act without our authorisation and some knowingly run scams like share fraud. This firm is not authorised by us but has been targeting people in the UK: AFI - Alternative Financial Investments Address: 20 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HJ Tel: 08000 112 908, 0800112846, 0207069865 Fax: 08000112909 Email: