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Investeringswaarschuwing – Beleggerswaarschuwing!

A. Eternity Capital Management Ltd (TQR Trade)

A. Eternity Capital Management Ltd (TQR Trade) - Waarschuwing CNMV Spain - 2019-Jun-10


Pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 17 of the Securities Markets Law (recast text approved by
Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October), the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (National
Securities Market Commission) warns that:

is not authorised to provide the investment services detailed in Article 140 of the Securities Markets
Law, which include investment advice, or to provide the auxiliary services detailed in letters a), b), d),
f) and g) of Article 141 of the said Law in relation to the financial instruments detailed in Article 2 of the
said Law, including, for those purposes, foreign currency transactions.

For any enquiries, please contact the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores enquiry line on
900 535 015 or visit CNMV’s website (

15 April 2019.

2019-06-17, Public warning by Consob Italy against Cryptocapitalfx:

Consob warning on
Empika Enterprise Ltd ( / - Pmt 247 Ltd ( - Tqrtrade ( - Cryptocapitalfx ( - Safe Trade Ltd ( - Rsw Investment Group Ltd (Skyway Invest Group o Swig

Pursuant to art. 7-octies, paragraph 1, letter b) of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance - TUF) the, National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange has also ordered the following companies to cease infringement of art. 18 of the TUF:

Empika Enterprise Ltd, with declared offices in the Marshall via the websites and (Resolution n. 20962 of June 12, 2019);
Pmt 247 Ltd, with declared offices in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, via the website (Resolution n. 20961 of June 12, 2019);
Tqrtrade via the website (Resolution n. 20960 of June 12, 2019);
Cryptocapitalfx via the website (Resolution n. 20959 of June 12, 2019);
Safe Trade Ltd, with declared offices in the Republic of Vanuatu, via the website (Resolution n. 20964 of June 12, 2019).
The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange has also suspended, as a precautionary measure, within the meaning of Article 99, paragraph 1, letter a) of the TUF, the offer to the Italian public of shares promoted by Rsw Investment Group Ltd (operating under the trade name of Skyway Invest Group or Swig) including through the website for a period of 10 working days (Resolution n. 20963 of June 12, 2019).

(Published in "Consob Informa" no. 22/2019 - 17 June 2019)

2019-04-10, Public warning by CySEC Cyprus against Cryptocapitalfx:


The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘CySEC’) wishes to inform investors
that the website, does not belong to an entity which has been
granted an authorization for the provision of investment services and/or the
performance of investment activities, as provided for in Article 5 of Law 87 (I)/2017.

Information in the above mentioned website, which suggests that it belongs or is
related to the Cypriot Investment Firm A. Eternity Capital Management Ltd (License No.
346/17), is misleading and does not correspond to reality.

CySEC urges investors to consult its website (, before conducting
business with investment firms, in order to ascertain the entities which are licensed to
provide investment services and/or investment activities.

Nicosia, …….. 2019