Öffentliche Betrugswarnung – Verbraucherwarnung!
Askii Holding Ltd
Askii Holding Ltd -
Warnung Consob Italy - 2018-Feb-12
Consob warning on
Sky Way Invest Group - Skyway Capital - AskiiHolding - www.askiiholding.com - Up4x Ltd - 4Xbrands Ltd - 4Xbankers Ltd
The National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange has:
- prohibited, in accordance with art. 101, paragraph 4, letter c) of Italian Legislative Decree no.58/1998, the Consolidated Law on Finance – TUF, the advertising activity carried out through the website www.lucastefanelli.net by Mr Luca Stefanelli, in violation of art. 101, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the TUF, relating to the public offering of shares promoted by Sky Way Invest Group (resolution n. 20291 of February 7, 2018). The activity was previously suspended with resolution n. 20274 of January 24. 2018 (see "Consob Informa" n. 4/2018); prohibited, in accordance with art. 101, paragraph 4, letter c) of the TUF, the advertising activity carried out through the website https://superblu.wordpress.com by Mr Marco Torretta, in violation of art. 101, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the TUF, relating to the public offering of shares promoted by Skyway Capital (resolution n. 20292 of February 7, 2018). The activity was previously suspended with resolution n. 20275 of January 24, 2018 (see "Consob Informa" n. 4/2018);
- prohibited, in accordance with art. 99, paragraph 1, letter d) of the TUF, the offer to the Italian public concerning "Azioni Privilegiate di Risparmio" (‘Preference Savings Shares’), carried out without the required authorisations through the Facebook page "AskiiHolding" and the website www.askiiholding.com (resolution n. 20293 of February 7, 2018). The activity was previously suspended with resolution n. 20276 of January 24, 2018 (see "Consob Informa" n. 4/2018);
- ordered, in accordance with art. 7-octies, letter b) of the TUF, the companies Up4x Ltd (www.4xbanks.com), 4Xbrands Ltd (www.4xbrands.com), 4Xbankers Ltd (www.4xbankers.com), to cease the infringement of art. 18 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58/98 put in place through their respective websites, consisting of the provision of investment services and activities to the Italian public, including through the internet network (resolutions n. 20288, 20289 and 20290 of February 7, 2018).
(in "Consob Informa" no. 6/2018 - 12 February 2018)